4146. Binary search tree 1


Implement a balanced binary search tree.


Input. Contains a description of operations on the tree, with the total number of operations not exceeding 105. Each line contains one of the following operations:

·        insert x – insert key x into the tree. If key x is already present in the tree, do nothing.

·        delete x – remove key x from the tree. If key x is not present in the tree, do nothing.

·        exists x – if key x is present in the tree, print “true”, otherwise “false”.

All numbers are integers and do not exceed 109 in absolute value.


Output. Print the results of all exists operations sequentially, following the format provided in the example.


Sample input

Sample output

insert 2

insert 5

insert 3

exists 2

exists 4

delete 5






data structures - set


Algorithm analysis

Simulate the specified operations using a set data structure.


Algorithm realization

Declare a set s.


set<int> s;


Read the input data.


while(scanf("%s %d\n",c,&x) == 2)



Insert an element into the set.


  if (c[0] == 'i') s.insert(x); else


Remove an element from the set if it exists there.


  if (c[0] == 'd') s.erase(x); else



Check if an element exists in the set.


    if (s.find(x) != s.end()) printf("true\n");

    else printf("false\n");




Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String []args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    TreeSet<Integer> s = new TreeSet<Integer>();




      String c = con.next();

      int x = con.nextInt();

      if (c.charAt(0) == 'i') s.add(x); else

      if (c.charAt(0) == 'd') s.remove(x); else


        if (s.contains(x))










Python realization


import sys


Declare a set.


s = set()


Read the input data.


for line in sys.stdin:

  op, x = line.split()

  x = int(x)


Insert an element into the set.


 if op == "insert":



Remove an element from the set if it exists there.


  elif op == "delete":




Check if an element exists in the set.


    if x in s:


